
Cluster configuration and orchestration, remote node configuration, managing, and updating.


We have some system that is located on a bunch of servers/VMs/Containers (from now on, this documentation will call it container). These containers can join and leave the system without the disturbance of the service. We should have an easy way to deploy new features and services, bug fixes to the whole cluster with minimum manual work (let assume that there are a huge amount of containers in our system. We have a lot of nodes and resources. The new containers should be easily introduced into the cluster. We should have an ability to quickly reconfigure any node, to redistribute roles among containers if needed.

Some of the containers are persistent (that holds the DB, storage data, endpoints, e.t.c), some are not and should be easily added and removed to scale performance / reduce hosting cost according to current system load.


Node container configuration

To store all executed code KlusterKite based system should have a private NuGet server as part of the cluster. It is used to store and distribute code across all nodes that are going to join the cluster. The malfunction of NuGet server will not halt the system work but will prevent the new nodes start.

Each container, intended to run some of the systems code should have a preinstalled KlusterKite.NodeManager.Launcher service, that should start on container start. This service is rather lightweight and is supposed to be updated very rarely. It’s the only purpose to request the node configuration from the system, download and extract needed packages from the NuGet server, create the KlusterKite.Core.Service, add the top-level configuration and launch it. In the case of the service stop - it restarts the whole cycle from the beginning. This service has some configuration parameters that are stored in config.hocon:

In order to make things work (to distribute configurations to the starting nodes), there should be always some working node with KlusterKite.NodeManager plugin that is correctly published to the system endpoint (see KlusterKite.Web)

Cluster Configuration and Migrations

Node template

In order to define the configuration that is sended to KlusterKite.NodeManager.Launcher KlusterKite introduces the NodeTemplate entity.

When NodeManager receives a new configuration request it selects the template in following order (the template should have the containerType among it’s ContainerTypes):

  1. If there are templates with less active nodes then MinimumRequiredInstances it will apply one of them in the Priority order (from highest to lowest)
  2. If there are templates with less active nodes then MaximumNeededInstances (or MaximumNeededInstances is null) it will apply one of them in the Priority order (from highest to lowest)
  3. Otherwise, it will send a special signal, so none of the templates will be applied and KlusterKite.NodeManager.Launcher will wait for some time to repeat the request.

The node template (aka the node configuration) includes the following information:

Cluster Configuration

The list of all Node templates along with some other parameters is called Cluster Configuration or just Configuration.

The special parameters are:


There can be any number of defined configurations, but only one can be used at a time (the one that has Active state). The Active configuration cannot be changed and is immutabel. The process of switching from one configuration to another is called: Migration.

But during the migration process, not only nodes are needed to be upgraded, but also resources. Some of them, like DB schemas, are needed to be updated before nodes (CodeDependsOnResource dependence type), others - like web sites that use the system API - after the nodes (ResourceDependsOnCode dependence type). And if the system has a large amount of resources it is hard to make adjustments manually and it is more reliable to have this adjustment to be scripted and distributed among all code so the developers can be sure that resources and nodes are of the same version.

To provide the automation of this processes there are MigratorTemplates and Migrators entities.

The MigratorTemplate is much alike NodeTemplate and defined in a similiar way in the configuration. KlusterKite.NodeManager has a cluster singletone that assembles and launches the KlusterKite.NodeManager.Migrator.Executor service assembled based on MigratorTemplates configuration. The top-level configuration of the template should have KlusterKite.NodeManager.Migrators string array that contains the list of type names of Migrators to be executed. The Migrator is a class that implements IMigrator interface.

The resource migration model was copied from Entity Framework Code-First migrations. The resource should have some chronological states (called migration points) and migrator should be able to change states from one to another. It is assumed, that migrator should be able to revers changes to any state in the past and can upgrade the resource from any past state to current state.

If there are no active migrations, KlusterKite.NodeManager will launch all defined MigratorTemplates and their migrators to assure that all defined resources are existing and in the state of last defined migration point. If everything is ok the new migration can be created.

After migration is created the MigratorTemplates and their migrators are executed for both old and new configurations to check the resource changes. If the list of migration points for some Migrator of new configuration starts with all points of old configuration and have some new one - it is considered as resource upgrade. If the list of migration points for some Migrator of old configuration starts with all points of the new configuration and have some extra points - it is considered as resource downgrade (it can happen in the case of system update rollback, when the previous version is installed).

The migration is executed in the following steps:

  1. All upgrading or creating resources with CodeDependsOnResource dependence type and all downgrading resources with ResourceDependsOnCode dependence type should be adjusted. In the case of butch resource migration, the resources are migrated in following order: the downgraded resources are migrated first, then resources are migrated in the Migrator priority order (asc for downgrade and desc for upgrade).
  2. All nodes should be adjusted. This process is performed automatically. Only those node that has changes in packages definitions and/or configuration will be updated. During the update process the KlusterKite.NodeManager will assure that there will be no moment when the system will have less active nodes of NodeTemplate that is defined in MinimumRequiredInstances to maintain the zero time system work interruption.
  3. All upgrading or creating resources with ResourceDependsOnCode dependence type and all downgrading resources with CodeDependsOnResource dependence type should be adjusted. In the case of butch resource migration, the resources are migrated in following order: the downgraded resources are migrated first, then resources are migrated in the Migrator priority order (asc for downgrade and desc for upgrade).

The migration step execution is controlled via API or UI. There is UI that provides access to the KlusterKite.NodeManager API. Please check the sample Docker documentation.


In order to provide easy sandbox start-up, KlusterKite has seeder function to create the resources from the scratch. The sandbox should have a container with preinstalled and configured KlusterKite.NodeManager.Seeder.Launcher utility. This utility will read it’s configuration and start the specified Seeders (that inherits the BaseSeeder class). Every seeder should check for resource pre-existence to avoid generating errors in case of a subsequent run.

Please check the Docker example of the confiugured seeder.